How to Plan for 2019 as an Entrepreneur Couple

How to Plan for 2019 as an Entrepreneur Couple

It’s easy to sink away for a few days with your team to strategize and come back invigorated and ready to take on a new year. But we spend so much time planning our business goals that we often forget something way more important: our family goals. Did you ever think that, perhaps, applying the same business retreat methods to your family could have a lasting positive effect? Because it does.

Why Your ‘Relaxed’ Self is Your True Self

Why Your ‘Relaxed’ Self is Your True Self

The often mundane nature of our daily routines can get in the way of our creativity, rest and the real us. If you think back to those early days of dating when you were entirely in tune with your partner and self, it was great, wasn’t it? It was freeing, and you had more mental and physical time for the things you enjoyed. Then along came marriage (maybe), and babies, and businesses, then the stresses started to compound, and you started to lose a sense of yourself.

The Why (and How) We Travelled to Haiti With Our Two Young Boys

The Why (and How) We Travelled to Haiti With Our Two Young Boys

Every December, Dan and I sit down during our quarterly couples retreat to review our travel schedule for the upcoming year. 2018 was proving to be a busy year, especially since we themed it the year of adventure.

And an adventure it’s been so far!

Haiti came up in a discussion on a couple of occasions, and it always set with me as one of those curious adventures. I wondered why this trip, why now and why with my family?